The Washback Effects of Task-based and Non-Task-based Language Assessment on English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Students’ Reading Comprehension Ability

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate, English Department, College of Humanities, Malayer Branch, Islamic Azad University, Malayer, Iran

2 English department, College of Humanities, Malayer Branch, Islamic Azad University, Malayer, Iran



Background: The present study set out to examine the washback effects of task-based (TBLA) and non-task-based language assessment (NTBLA) on nursing students’ reading comprehension ability.
Method: First, 60 students studying nursing in Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences took part in the study. Second, they were homogenized in terms of English language proficiency and were later non-randomly assigned to two experimental groups each comprising 30 learners. In Group1, task-based reading assessment was provided while in Group 2, non-task-based traditional reading assessment was administered.
Results: The results of the study pointed to a statistically significant difference between the washback effects of the two assessment types. In other words, the participants in TBLA group outperformed those in NTBLA group.
Conclusion: Complementing EAP courses for medical students with TBLA sounds an auspicious move towards enhancing academic reading ability of medical students. The findings have certain pedagogical and research implications as well.


Main Subjects

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