Are you a mastery-oriented or a performance-oriented medical learner?

Document Type : Letter to Editor


1 Department of English Language, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Kerman Institute of Higher Education, Kerman, Iran

2 Department of Nursing, Sirjan School of Medical Sciences, Sirjan, Iran

3 Education Development Center, Sirjan School of Medical Sciences, Sirjan, Iran, Iran


There has been a rapid growth in human motivation research in the last two decades, with a special emphasis on achievement-oriented studies. Recent research in the motivation area has focused on achievement goal orientations, as there has been an increase in achievement goal research in social, psychological and specifically educational studies. In the context of Iranian’s educational system, every year many students enter universities based on academic achievement during their high school period. Among them some find the way to enter Medical Universities with different motivation factors. Learners’ motivation to succeed as university students varies and motivation is crucial to their performance. Taking into account the competitive nature of medical education and the responsibilities upon medical students and their critical role in patient care, it is significant to know the types of achievement goals namely “mastery-oriented goals” and “performance-oriented goals” that medical students develop in their educational career. In addition, medical teachers’ perspective regarding these goals and what approach is adopted by them if of utmost importance in terms of learning. By the same token, as the practice of medicine is dynamic and lifelong learning is essential, mastery-oriented learning can ensure that graduates are more qualified for their future tasks as medical doctors.


Main Subjects

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