A comparative study on the effect of lecture-based education, role-playing and learning through peers on learning and satisfaction of nursing students in Zanjan University of Medical Sciences
I Background: In educational programs, two general teaching models are proposed; A master-centered pattern in which the master is the all-encompassing fulcrum. In this model, learners learn and soon forget. Another model that pays special attention to the learner, their needs and abilities is called student-centered. Due to the fact that different people learn in different ways, to achieve better results, therefore, it is necessary not to use only one method in classrooms. Method: This Quasi Experimental study was performed on nursing students during the first semester of 2018-2019 in Zanjan School of Nursing and Midwifery in one unit of the Adult / Elderly 3 course (neurology). Thus out of 8 sessions, two sessions were presented by lecturing method, three sessions by using peer learning model and three sessions by role-playing method. At the end of the sessions, a satisfaction questionnaire was completed by the students and a test was taken to assess the students' learning. Results: The results showed that the students had the highest satisfaction in role playing with the mean and standard deviation of 22/23±11/21(p<0/001). The mean of Examination scores in different training methods had no significant difference. Conclusion: The use of, Role playing method was created more satisfaction in nursing students.
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Imani, A. and Moradi, F. (2022). A comparative study on the effect of lecture-based education, role-playing and learning through peers on learning and satisfaction of nursing students in Zanjan University of Medical Sciences. Future of Medical Education Journal, 12(2), 50-55. doi: 10.22038/fmej.2021.58549.1410
Imani, A. , and Moradi, F. . "A comparative study on the effect of lecture-based education, role-playing and learning through peers on learning and satisfaction of nursing students in Zanjan University of Medical Sciences", Future of Medical Education Journal, 12, 2, 2022, 50-55. doi: 10.22038/fmej.2021.58549.1410
Imani, A., Moradi, F. (2022). 'A comparative study on the effect of lecture-based education, role-playing and learning through peers on learning and satisfaction of nursing students in Zanjan University of Medical Sciences', Future of Medical Education Journal, 12(2), pp. 50-55. doi: 10.22038/fmej.2021.58549.1410
A. Imani and F. Moradi, "A comparative study on the effect of lecture-based education, role-playing and learning through peers on learning and satisfaction of nursing students in Zanjan University of Medical Sciences," Future of Medical Education Journal, 12 2 (2022): 50-55, doi: 10.22038/fmej.2021.58549.1410
Imani, A., Moradi, F. A comparative study on the effect of lecture-based education, role-playing and learning through peers on learning and satisfaction of nursing students in Zanjan University of Medical Sciences. Future of Medical Education Journal, 2022; 12(2): 50-55. doi: 10.22038/fmej.2021.58549.1410