Designing the Curriculum of General Medicine with Military Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

2 Department of Laboratory Sciences, Faculty of Paramedical Sciences, AJA University of Medical Sceinces, Tehran, Iran


Background: Military medicine is one of the important orders of military systems that takes responsibility for providing health services to the military forces. Military physicians need knowledge and skills required for their role. In today's world, different countries have designed and developed certain activities and curricula for military medical education at general and professional levels. The present research was carried out to design a curriculum for doctoral degree in General Medicine with military medicine approach.
Methods: This study is a combinational research. In the qualitative section, the content analysis of global experience was used to develop a need-assessment questionnaire and in the quantitative section, survey method and Delphi need-assessment technique were used. The samples of the present research in the qualitative part were the countries of America and Russia and in the quantitative part consisted of 35 experienced professionals in 2 Military Medical University
Results: According to the findings, 30 theoretical-practical courses have been added to the existing courses in General Medicine in doctoral degree and also the special curricula of military medicine were added to each of the available courses.
Conclusion: Addition of 30 special courses of Military Medicine and changes in any of the courses available and also the addition of special military topics can play very important role in training the special physicians for military environments.


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