The differences between dentistry education system in Iran and other countries

Document Type : Systematic review/Meta analysis


1 Prosthodontics Department, Dental Faculty, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran

2 Dental materials research center, Health research institute, Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol, Iran

3 Graduated, Dental Faculty, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran


Background: The current study aimed to evaluating the dentistry education system in Iran and comparing it with selected dental schools in Turkey, the Philippines, Hungary, Ukraine, Russia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan.
Methods: The study was accomplished by the analyses of the documents available on web sites, links correspond to curriculum, the education program of general dentistry, and the transcripts of Iranian dentistry students graduated from foreign schools attending an advance standing program at Tabriz Dental School.
Results: The results of the current study indicated that in all the selected faculties, the course-oriented curriculum is used. The odontology system is used in the dental schools of Iran, Turkey, and the Philippines.
Conclusion: It is suggested offering courses in medical ethics, the principles of law, and the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran to all the students graduated from other countries. Specialized lessons offered to the graduated students from Russian and Ukrainian dental schools seem to be sufficient, but students graduated from other countries should pass orthodontics, pediatrics, and diagnosis courses.


Main Subjects

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