The Experience of Integration in the Dental Curriculum of the World’s Accredited Universities and How to Apply it in Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Educational Deputy of Ministry of Health and Medical education, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Educational Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Elementary Education Department, Nasibeh Teacher Education College, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


Background: The aim of this paper is to review integration experience in general dentistry curriculum in the world universities in the twenty-first century and advantage of it to review the same curriculum in Iran.
Method: In this study, a qualitative method is used. First, by library research and the analysis and interpretation of data, integration of the dental curriculum were some prestigious universities in the world. Then an image of the situation of Iran was presented. Finally, the ways of using international experience to improve the curricula of dental in Iran were examined.
Results: Findings show that two types of dental curriculum integration in the first decade of the twenty-first century have been used: horizontal and vertical integration. In terms of numbers vertical integration has more used. Two horizontal and forty cases of vertical integration were identified.
Conclusion: The benefits of integration in a long period of six years in dentistry are very significant. These benefits are related to ease of learning, continuity of retention, reminder speed and precision to use from an educational perspective that each of them is sufficient to review the curriculum of the field. In addition, these empirical grounds, as well as alignment with international pressure and respond to social needs and adapt to labor market conditions, due to the revised curriculum is based on a combination of criteria, necessary and inevitable effects, and of course use more brought to universities based on their global experience and it's timely.


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