Background: Feedback is a vital component of clinical training and a key responsibility of nursing instructors. The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of elaborating feedback cards on students’ learning and their satisfaction in the Fundamentals of nursing course. Methods: Single-blind semi-experimental study randomly assigned 60 undergraduate nursing students in the fundamental course to a control group and an intervention group. The control group received routine portfolio-based trainings. In addition to the routine training, elaborating feedback cards were used in the intervention group. On feedback cards, student received supplementary explanation in addition to correct response. The students’ learning was measured based on the score obtained from their portfolio as well as different dimensions of their satisfaction were measured on a Likert scale. Data analyzing was performed by SPSS V.23 using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: A statistically-significant difference was observed in the mean score of the students between the intervention group, i.e. 17.82±0.88, and that of the controls, i.e. 16.20±2.15 (P<0.0001). The satisfaction score of the students was also significantly higher in the intervention group (49.06±6.53) than in the control group (37.63±7.32) (P<0.0001). Conclusions: Using elaborating feedback cards in the fundamentals of nursing course can improve learning and satisfaction of the students. This practical, simple and fast method is therefore recommended to be used in clinical trainings.
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Hajihosseini, F. and Nazari, R. (2022). Effects of elaborating feedback cards on students’ learning and their satisfaction in the Fundamentals of nursing course. Future of Medical Education Journal, 12(1), 35-40. doi: 10.22038/fmej.2021.57132.1392
Hajihosseini, F. , and Nazari, R. . "Effects of elaborating feedback cards on students’ learning and their satisfaction in the Fundamentals of nursing course", Future of Medical Education Journal, 12, 1, 2022, 35-40. doi: 10.22038/fmej.2021.57132.1392
Hajihosseini, F., Nazari, R. (2022). 'Effects of elaborating feedback cards on students’ learning and their satisfaction in the Fundamentals of nursing course', Future of Medical Education Journal, 12(1), pp. 35-40. doi: 10.22038/fmej.2021.57132.1392
F. Hajihosseini and R. Nazari, "Effects of elaborating feedback cards on students’ learning and their satisfaction in the Fundamentals of nursing course," Future of Medical Education Journal, 12 1 (2022): 35-40, doi: 10.22038/fmej.2021.57132.1392
Hajihosseini, F., Nazari, R. Effects of elaborating feedback cards on students’ learning and their satisfaction in the Fundamentals of nursing course. Future of Medical Education Journal, 2022; 12(1): 35-40. doi: 10.22038/fmej.2021.57132.1392